Monday, February 16, 2009

"How is your mom?"

In Utah there was a little girl that lived across the street. Her mom was pregnant with twins, and I think that she had 3 other kids at home. She was due in November and it must have been late October when I ran into Alyssa when picking up Jenna from afternoon kindergarten. I asked her, "how is your mom doing?" She answered in a sweet but matter-of-fact way: "As fat and tired as ever!" Then she jovially skipped on. Bless the heart, perspective and candidness of a first grader!
I am due in 11 days. I have been feeling pretty good, but there are those moments when I think of sweet Alyssa and laugh at the truthfulness of those words..."fat and tired as ever!"


Lacey said...

Mandy! I'm so excited for you. I know you've called me multiple times, and now that it's 11:29 pm I was thinking of calling, but seeing as how we're both fat and tired as ever, I'll call tomorrow! I can't wait for your little guy to come. It's a boy, right? My mom is visiting until Wednesday, so that's been fun. As for your "The Next Baby" post, I am feeling much the same with Coleman, who just turned two, and thinking of another one on the way. I lay with him at naps and kiss his little cheeks and think, "This is going to be so different when the baby comes." It's normal I suppose. You've done a great job, and Jenna and Zac are going to be such big helpers!

Meredith said...

We are so excited for you and can't wait to hear about the new baby.

Brandon and Natalie said...

That is too funny! I can't wait to see pictures and hear about how everything will go. Good luck!

Cansas said...

That hilarious! I'm right there with ya!

Whitney said...

I just heard that you are being induced this exciting! We will pray for you and the baby!

lcdiaz said...

I'm so excited for my new nephew!!!! I think he'll be here friday night. I'm so excited! I'll call today or tomorrow and see how things are coming! Love you!

Mandy said...

Whitney, My midwife isn't a big proponent of inductions, so she won't do that until 41-42 weeks since there is no medical reason to induce, however this Friday she is going to try to stir the pot, we'll see if it takes. Thanks for thinking of us.

Dad comes to Utah!

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