Then we went and shot the guns at beer bottles and hairspray cans.
It was fun. Steve and I decided that a sedentary lifestyle isn't so cool and there is so much that we can do...even with the kidos. Utah is gorgeous and offers a lot for an active lifestyle. We want to be more active. There was a day when we could hang with the best of them- but now- not so much. Steve was reminded as he hiked the Great Wall in China, and I was reminded when Jenna thought the trampoline might break when I got on and all the springs squeaked!
Here are some pics.
Do you know of any good places to go as a family, have fun, and move our buns?
We had to laugh when you said you know Zac is a maniac!!!!!
We have never seen him act like that. But it does remind us of how we would call him zac attack.
Glad you guys had the opportunity to get away and enjoy the great outdoors. It looks like lots of fun and romantic. How did u do shooting-did you have a bruised shoulder Mandy?
Can't wait to see the China pics Steve-what a great opportunity, boy you must be good at what you do!!! Not that we had any doubt, mind you haha
ps. you both look nice and fit. A great looking couple.
Jenna, you look so pretty in your chinese dress
Missing you all,
Dad & Regina
another ps (thought you might find this interesting and Jenna might like to know the Chinese name for her dress)
The cheongsam is a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women. It is known in Chinese as the qípáo (旗袍), qípáor (旗袍儿), Wade-Giles ch'i-p'ao, and is also known in English as a mandarin gown. The modern cheongsam is a modernized version of the qipao of the Manchurians who conquered China in the 17th century (Qing Dynasty).
Sad to say, I haven't done much hiking on Blanding. I only remember going once, and that was when I was pregnant, so I didn't get into it much. You guys look great. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Well isn't Jenna just a little princess! And of course Zac would be in a dragon shirt! So fitting! They're such cuties! Uhm, Angel's Landing in Zion's is a killer, it would work your buns off, but other than that I have no idea. Maybe picnicing and exploring up in the meadows of Cedar Mountian just before the Cedar Breaks turnoff. I used to find a big rock and study up there. The kiddos might enjoy it. (?) Hope that helps.
Nick and I love the Red Cliffs hike down by Leeds. I am sure that you have done it before but if not. It is a great one to do now, when it is cold in Cedar but its warm down south. It is an easy and fun hike that if you go now in the spring, there is water that comes through to play in. You can easily take kids on it too. When you get to the end there is a part that has a rope you kind of have to shimmy over but it isn't bad and you don't have to pass it either. Another good one is just up the canyon and I think it is called Emerald ponds, but it is short and has the spring run off to splash in. Strawberry Point up on the mountain is also a cool place. There isn't much of a hike but it is gorgeous- kind of like Cedar breaks looking. But it is a good picnic place. The COOLEST hike around is in Kanaraville. I think. But you have to wait until at least June. You hike straight up the spring runoff so the water is VERY cold, but there are waterfalls and little slides. There is a big waterfall at the end that you can go underneath of. Nick and Jon hiked it last August I believe and there was still plenty of water in it- plus it is warmer outside. Oh another thing that your kids might like is up the mountain at Woods Ranch there is a pond. It is called Kids Pond. Anyway, the kids can fish there anytime for free. You can drive or walk to the East of the pavillion and behind it is a pond. Anyway, just some ideas. email me if you need/want more details on something jeanine_parson@hotmail.com
I love Butler wash, I havent been down there for along time. it looks like it was a great day for a hike. and no kids....thats a plus.
Dad and Regina, thanks for the post. I am not too shabby a shot. I like to shoot at the bottles. I think that Steve and I could do skeet shooting one day. Something that he and I both could enjoy that is not eating! No bruise, I guess that the guns weren't that big. I think mine was a semi automatic 22, Steve is probably laughing- I think that is what he said.
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