Sunday, July 27, 2008

Some random Fun

Last weekend we went up to the Hogle Zoo with Lissa and her boys and Jeff. Steve and I thought, "wow that was really fun", aside from the fact that I did take too long in the gift shop...but I am a sucker for the gift shops at places like the Zoo. Anyway, the kids were so unusually easy and good. It was enjoyable. They loved riding in the cart and the Sno cones were fun. It was a good day.

Last Sunday, Lissa and Christian had their baby, Kaiden, blessed in Orem. That was great. I don't have many pictures, but I did make it a point to take a picture of Jenna and Grandma-great. Grandma and Jenna sort of have a tradition of having a tea party when they see each other. Jenna even knows to hold up her pinky. Jenna was given a new porcelain tea set and thought it was the best! I love this picture and that Jenna feels special when she has her tea parties.

There has be an inordinate amount of rain here, and the kids have enjoyed the chocolate river.


Brandon and Natalie said...

What a fun tradition to have with Grandma! I love the picture.

It looks like you had a great time at the zoo. I am sure your kids loved the animals.

Lacey said...

I.Love.Hogle.Zoo!!! It's the best!

Lacey said...

Chris here. Yeah, I saw the pix of the kiddos on the carousel, and I was freaking out cuz it looked EXACTLY like the carousel at the Hogle Zoo. Then I read-you know, like you're supposed to do with a blog. Who knew. I am impressed by the stupidest things, then I remember not to be surprised at how much the world contains for an eleven-year-old (like me).
We miss you guys. Move to Oklahoma.

lcdiaz said...

The zoo was so much fun!! Thanks for letting us tag along. That pic of Grandma and Jenna is so cute. Your dog is so cute and it seems that she'll be pretty calm(not like max :) can't wait to see you guys again..

Unknown said...

Hey Mandy.... Yup that's in Kanaraville. I was surprised too!

It's easy to get to, just go to Kanaraville, turn left down 100E, go to the end of the street and you will see a dirt hill. Walk up the hill to the water tanks and then it turns into a little hike through the trees and up the canyon. It's a few miles long with a little climbing, but the little ones did quite well actually. It reminded me of the narrows a little but but on a much easier and smaller scale. Have Fun!! :)

Cansas said...

I can't believe you were at the zoo this weekend. We were there Friday!! It was great fun...really hot, but fun. Cute Pictures!

Dad comes to Utah!

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