Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Walk in the park

I love that it is Spring Break. I mostly love that there are no have-tos. I don't have to get up and get Jenna ready for school or pick her up at 2:35. I love that we sleep in, sort-of. I love that we hung out upstairs and watched Enchanted the other morning and then came down and had cinnamon toast and pears at 9:30. I love that we can start an adventure and not get there for an hour because we don't have to do it. Who cares if lunch is not at noon and the Zac misses his nap. As long as the baby eats, it's all good.
Anyway, I will be sad next week when it's back to 6:30 wake up for Jenna, and inevitably the baby and definitely Zac.
It's been a good week. I am so happy for the nice weather! I am grateful to be here with my kids.

We went to a trail today that runs along a creek, the kids had fun.


Brandon and Natalie said...

Love the pictures! I love the fact that your are talking the time to really enjoy these little moments with your kids. You are such a great mom!

Cansas said...

I love the days when there's absolutely nothing you have to do! Good luck with the new job! Sounds like things are going well and your family is happy. That's what counts!

lcdiaz said...

I LOVE the no Have to days! how nice to enjoy the things you are doing instead of rushing rushing all the time. Im glad that you've had good weather and can get out and enjoy it! The kids look so cute with their helmets :)

Dad comes to Utah!

Day 2 Day 3