Snips, snails and puppy dog tails. Do you think they say puppy dog tails because they are endlessly moving? Snails because they love dirt and slime, and why snips, or is it snakes?
Either way, as rough and tumble as Zac is, he has his moments of sweetness. A true blessing to me. I cut my hair and colored it brown a couple weeks ago now and without any discussion of my hair, Zac says. "I like your hair mommy" and his eyes lingered on me and he smiled. Another day, I got off work, and mind you that I am useless to the world after I work, anyhow, I changed my clothes into something comfortable, and considering that I started this pregnancy several pounds heavier than with Zac, I don't have a lot of options. I was wearing men's XXL scrub pants cinched on that I need to return to the OR and a T shirt that was entirely too small. I pulled my hair back and put on my glasses, and when I walked down the stairs he said, "you look cute mommy", and patted my leg with a smile. Then finally the other morning , I worked a night shift and as I was coming up the stairs to go to bed, he was just waking for the day, he said as he always says when he sees Steve or myself coming home, "I am so glad you're home after working all day" followed with a hug. Then he told me to take off my scrub top (I guess to ensure that I was staying). Then I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I told him to cuddle with daddy and wait in bed for me. When I slid in bed, he said, "Umm, mommy, your breath smells so good! I love you" and then he Eskimo kissed me. This little boy's skin is so soft on my face, especially that morning. I nearly cried, I was so touched by the love of this little boy, especially in those moments that I may be struggling to love myself.