Monday, September 5, 2016

School Time again 2016/2017

Ooooh....back to school.
This year was Jenna's first year in Junior High and Gage's first year in the Elementary school (as a Kindergartner). Zac returned to Vineyard Elementary as a top-dog in 6th grade and Trev is growing up and is a second grader.

Back to school night. Cue nervous laughter, sweating and excitement. We walked around the school finding her classrooms and finding them again.  

Kindergartner "Back to school night" He has the teacher that Trev had for Kindergarten, Mrs Brown. 

Maw got this for him for his first day of school.

He was so exciyed to take the bus. #grownup

We worked on his poster for the first wk of school. It's funny to recall Jenna's fancy poster, and now his. He basically did this alone. I printed pictures and let him glue, sticker, and do his things. #4 helps moma's to relax a little. I enjoyed watching!

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