Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patty's

Last week Jenna was working on her Leprechaun project. She finished up on Wednesday. I helped her with some grammar and spelling. (scary, I know!) She told me that her teacher was having a friend read them, and they would choose the most creative one. Jenna informed me that she won her class Leprechaun project! It was announced yesterday at school. She was pleased. I was happy for her. In fact, I just smile to myself as I think about Jenna. She is growing up and while I love my babies, it is fun to see them grow up and make friends, and accomplish things that they are proud of.
I retyped it here:
From My Leprechaun’s Log Jenna Christensen, age 8          March 14, 2012
My leprechaun is happiest when she sings in the shower. Also, when she stands on her head. She is happy when she plays the flute, and when she goes swimming in the big pot of water. She is happy when she is pretending that my toys are real.
Sometimes I find her in my shoe, my sock, my toy car, under my pillow, and in my back pack playing hide and seek. I found her in my back pack once, and we played all day. I have also found her on my bookshelf, trying to read a book. She has also been in my teacher’s hair!
Her favorite colors are green, yellow, and gray or silver, because these are the colors of her coins. She likes to wear the color green.
 One day she really shocked me by cleaning my whole house in an hour. She gave gold to my brother! She made dinner! She gave my dog a bath. She caught a butterfly and rode it across the moon. She also shocked me when she was asleep in my shoe.
 Her favorite desserts are coin chocolates. She loves money. Also, she loves vanilla ice-cream with squashed chocolate and sprinkles.
 The funniest things about my little friend are her jokes and pranks, and the way she talks. She ties my shoes together. She tricks me a lot. Her hair and her hat, her fish, her gold and her shoes are funny. She plays in my brother’s underwear! She dances in my babysitter’s hair!
 While I am at school, she goes shopping for four leaf clovers. She eats all my bananas. She sleeps under mushrooms. She plays with birds. She explores my neighborhood and play jokes and pranks on my neighbors.
My strange little friend is always shy about going near my littlest brother and the neighborhood cats and dogs. She is also kind of nervous about butterflies because they can pick her up and fly away with her, and she thinks that she might get lost.
 She likes to collect pinecones and gold coins. She also really likes to collect daises and clovers.
I doubt my little elf will ever leave me!
Sometimes she likes t o wear her polka dot underwear, her many hats, and coin tiara. She also likes her many shoes. I just like jeans and a long sleeved shirt. She likes shirts with a dollar on it.
Her favorite songs are (made-up songs): “Dad and donuts”, “mom and dad,” “boom boom!”, “Bananas, bananas, bananas”, and a song called, “Special, special”.
 Someday I know she’ll go to the Grand Canyon, climb a tree, or see a bald eagle. She will climb and mountain or maybe steal my mom’s ring! She could get lost in my jewelry box.
 I thought for sure that she was lost one day, but then I found her squished in my dad’s wallet looking for treasure. Another time, she was swimming in my mom’s diet coke!
She always promises me that she won’t steal my earrings while I am asleep. Also, she promises that she’ll always be my friend. 

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