If seeing this smiling picture makes you nauseated then please read on.
I remember as a child there was a clown that would visit the schools. Conner the Clown, I believe is his name. As a part of his act he would juggle, and as a part of the
So lately, I have been thinking of all the things that there are to juggle, and how very many balls that there are on the ground rolling around, some covered in dust or off in a corner nearly out of sight, and also of the balls that I am keeping up. So we could label truly a hundred balls, and from those balls spawn more balls! Ahhhh! You go ahead and fill in the blank:__________, the kids' schooling, teaching them stuff, playing with them, quality time with the kids, their Dr appointments and check ups, keeping up on their hygiene, the laundry, clothes that fit, clean dishes, food in the fridge and cupboards, my and Steve's relationship, service, being a good citizen, the house, the budget, church calling, spiritual maintenance and progression, building talents, building my kids' talents and self worth, teaching my kids about the gospel, my work- getting there, being nice-ish, critical thinking. Oh yes, my health, this pregnancy, my relationships with friends and family, the house, the dog, the yard, sleep, again did I mention the house ball? What am I forgetting? You see, that ball is under the couch!
Anyway some of the balls on the ground are really important things and makes me ponder how do I get those balls up and going again when it seems inevitable that something will have to fall?
Let's be reasonable here, somewhere along the way I have grown up to realized that there is no human way to juggle all things and do all that is required in a perfect fashion. Or do I really believe that? Afteral, there are pictures like this woman that make me think it can be done. Is that reality? I like to remind myself that there is a time and season for all things and not that the spiritual ball is flying high as of late, but I do have a testimony that with faith in Christ, he will lift the burdens that are heavy on our shoulders and pick up the slack where we come up short. Also that we can be guided and inspired as to what is most important. But then the faith ball is dusty.
I suppose the whole juggling thing made me think that even though I know that I cannot do it all at once, I would like to have up in the air those things that are important to me and am trying to figure out how to make that happen. Really, Conner the clown was of little help to me with juggling colorful balls, and I was quite miserable at it and frustrated by all the running and failing, but I still liked to watch and try. So although there is running and failing in real life, I will keep on. Some help from Steve, and from my old friend, Prayer, may be in order, but who better to ask? By Joe, let's dust off those balls and try again. Afteral, juggling is supposed to be fun!