Saturday, July 22, 2017

Summer Vacation 2017

Kanab/North Rim of the Grand Canyon/Orderville

For our summer vacation, we planned a trip to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. The kids and I have never been. Mom was able to come along too. 
We planned to have Kanab as our homebase and rented a VRBO. 
The drive down was beautiful and we found a nice Mexican restaurant for dinner our first night. 
The next morning we woke for the drive down to the North rim. We packed out backpacks with snacks and walkie talkies. Once we got there, we started with a short but challenging hike (with beautiful views) that got me and the kids nervous for what Steve had planned next. We had lunch and went on to the next hike to Angels Window. After one more hike, we finished with a nice shady hike, which included inclines and rain, - we didn't quite finish the hike before we turned around and headed back.  We laughed a lot and struggled some. The journey was fun. We headed for home and got food to eat at the house from a fun diner. The next day we had German pastries and did a hike in a slot canyon in Orderville. That was awesome, although hot until we got into the shade of the mountains. The kids much prefer this type of "exploration hike". We were hot and tired after this one. After lunch, we later went to the Kanab pool to relax. We waited out the rain and had the pool nearly to ourselves. In the evening we enjoyed introducing Moana to Maw and played games.  

Grand Canyon Day

on the drive back to Kanab

Orderville Slot Canyon

Kanab Pool

The house in Kanab

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