Sunday, May 8, 2011


There it was Friday before Easter and Easter itself had snuck up on the Easter Bunny. It was payday so I knew that Saturday I would be going out to get a few things. By 1pm Saturday I was frustrated... the problem with pay day is the urge to spend it like mad because I have been waiting on the money to land in my account, but then there is this hesitation because there are 500 things I want to spend it on. I look at a basket and think, "I can probably get a cheaper one", then I see a dress for Jenna and think, "there has to be a better one at the next store". I would go to buy something for their basket and be sure they would just end up ripping it or breaking it. Before I know it- my time is nearly out, and I am empty handed. I was feeling like a cruddy mom, after all, what kind of mom was I? the babysitter had even stole my opportunity and colored Easter eggs with the kids earlier in the week. I was useless!
I called and whined to Steve that shopping, somewhere along the way in life, had lost it's luster. Indecision was crippling. Like a good man, he advised me to get it together, make a choice on what I wanted, and just go do it. After the Easter party at Lana's, and after bedtime, I went to Target. I took Steve's advise and had so much fun. They had an Easter basket and at least partially new clothes for Easter Sunday.
The Easter party was fun at Lana's. It was an indoor hunt confined to a few rooms in her home with over a hundred eggs and lots of kids, they didn't seem to care that it wasn't outside. They had a blast. I am so grateful that the Easter candy from the party and from the Easter bunny is finally gone!
We had some good discussions on the Resurrection as we have been reading a bit from the New Testament this year. We even watched Testaments and Jenna was way into it- things are clicking.Church Sunday was nice. The talks about the Resurrection, eternal families and the love of our Savior were nice. Since church is at 11am,. there was time for the kids to hunt for candy that was hid in the house from the Easter bunny (per Steve's fun family tradition) and play some before getting ready for church. We also managed to get some pictures with the camera timer of the family. It is a rare occasion to have a picture with all of us, and I just love the picture. One of my favorite things about Easter is your "Easter best".
Gagey with daddy at Lana's. He got an egg!

The booty of the egg hunt.

Trev was not that interested in collecting eggs- he ate candy as he came upon it, and had fun with the boy toys.

The Easter Bunny pulled it off

Half the fun- looking at the goodies

In the end, it was a nice weekend. We are grateful to our Heavenly Father for the gift of His Son and the Resurrection that makes it so we can return and live with Him and our families one day.

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