Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jenna's art

Jenna drew this during indoor recess. Eating ice cream.

This is what Jenna drew at the Outback. Zac, Isaac and Brooke (our friend's kids), Jenna, Daddy and Mommy holding Trevor. I love this one.


♥Mrs L ♥ said...

she did a awesome job! good job Jenna!!!

lcdiaz said...

Those pictures look so GOOD!! Great job Jenna! Can you draw a picture of me too :)

Anonymous said...

That is so adorable, and sweet of Jenna to include Brooke and Isaac in her picture. Isaac draws Jenna in alot of his pictures, too. I never told you-Chris and I went and had lunch with Isaac last week. Jenna wanted to sit by us, and she sat down next to Chris and said to him "I'm going to marry Isaac when we grow up." It was so bold and brave of her to say that to Chris, and so out of the blue. We loved it! :)

Dad comes to Utah!

Day 2 Day 3