Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2 months

8 week appt: Trevor was 12 lbs, 6 oz. (70th percentile) 24 inches (80th percentile).
He looked good. We are thankful that he has missed out on the family's sickness this late winter and early spring: impetigo, Zac's sinus infection, cousin's strep, occasional vomiting, Steve's upper resp junk, Fifth's disease, my pneumonia, chiggers and other varieties of running noses and uncovered coughs. Thank goodness for immunoglobins and antibodies. How 'bout a shout out for breast milk!
He is a happy baby. He coos a lot and grins all the time. He esp likes a diaper change and any time that you are close to his face talking to him. He dislikes baths, his back rubbed and his head touched. He's a little doll. No matter the day that I am having, when I hold him close and smell him, it softens my heart. I am so grateful for him.

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Dad comes to Utah!

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