Sunday, March 30, 2008

China update

Steve is still in China. Today (it's already Monday there, they are 14 hrs ahead) they are traveling 2 hours away to work on the 2nd audit. They will see the Great Wall of China before they start work on #2. They finished up the first audit yesterday and were able to be tourists for the afternoon, they visited the Forbidden City and shopped some. If you want to see the first hotel they stayed at it is called winterless
He didn't bring a coat because the weather was supposed to be similar to here- anyway, apparently the business people made a fuss over it, and the Chairman offered him is traditional Chinese red robe to wear. He accepted it and wore it for the evening. I hoped that he had a picture of that. He said there are few Americans in the place where they have been doing business and so to see a very tall white man with a traditional red robe drew a lot more attention.
Anyway, we miss you babe and are proud of you.


Lacey said...

Steve HAS to take pictures of this trip!!! I am excited he is doing good and survived that looonng plane ride! I will pray for his safe arrival home to you and the kids!

Brandon and Natalie said...

How exciting to go to China! It will be fun to see the pictures when he gets home.

Dad comes to Utah!

Day 2 Day 3